* 이 제품은 “의료기기”이며, “사용상의 주의사항”과 “사용방법”을 잘 읽고 사용하십시오. 광고심의필: 심의번호 2013-I10-01-0656
Easy to use (User-friendly interface).
Fast and stable system.
Provide improvement an economic efficiency by functions as store, editing, inquiry and management of digital images acquired from various modalities.
Support DICOM & Various image formats (bmp, jpeg, gif, etc).
Support various panel layouts.
Support dual monitors.
Support various functions for image as zoom in/out, rotation, WWL (Window Width Level), pan & seroll, invert image, annotation, measurement, magnifier, real size view, etc.
Manage DICOM and digital image files.
Provide worklist and DICOM network.
Provide historical exams and comparison tad.
Provide exam compare mode.
Provied scout image functions.
Provide series/stack/cine view.
Interfacing OCS / EMR / HIS
Provide Full Monitor
Image Ordering
change the order of images in an exam.
Whole Spine Merge
combine separated imager sf he whole spine.
Exam Split Mode
separate the mixed in an exam.
Support paper print.
Support digital-report files.
Support DICOM print.
Provide various report formats.
Provide Preform fnuction (Frequently used sentences can stored hot keys).
Cobb Angle measurement
Pelvic X_Ray Analyze(PelvicXA)
Mosaic Processing
Mammography Image
Automatic Breast ROI (Region Of lnterrest) Enlargement
lmage magnifier for lert & right breast mammography interpretation.